Cat & Genny Training (Cat 4+) Grants Available
The aim of cable avoidance tools (CAT & Genny) training is to provide both site operatives and construction supervisors with the skills and knowledge to effectively and safely carry out cable avoidance work.
Who Should Attend?
The Safe Use of Cable Avoidance Location Equipment is a training programme that is purposely designed for supervisors and any operatives who are assigned the responsibility of locating underground apparatus for construction, repair, or maintenance work on any roadways and highways in the UK.
Course Overview
- Basic working principles of location and avoidance of installed underground services. Hazard identification procedures and the key risks associated with these.
- Reading and correctly interpreting construction site plans.
- Practical and safe use of equipment.
Successful completion of the CAT & Genny training course will allow candidates to:
- Identify all potential risks to both themselves and others.
- Read and fully understand any site plan.
- Operate cable avoidance tools safely and effectively, in order to locate and/or avoid existing underground apparatus.
CAT & Genny Training Course Duration
Half Day
Maximum Delegates
8 Candidates